
Sunday, December 29, 2019

The American Public School System - 960 Words

In the 17th century, the American public school system was founded and built upon early US colonists’ religious principle and ideologies, which were all a branch or sect of Christianity. The first tax-supported public school in the country in Dedham, Massachusetts was run by Reverend Ralph Wheelock who was a puritan priest. Schools in other parts of the English colonies were run by Jesuits, Catholics, Protestants, Lutherans, and the like. When new territory was claimed from the Native Americans, it was declared that the Native Americans were to be taught Christian ideology, and although enslaved and prevented from attending school, many African Americans were encouraged, or even coerced to adopt the Christian faith as well. At the beginning of every school day, mandatory prayers were recited from the Bible—like the Lord’s Prayer—and it was not until 1962 and 1963 that this was officially changed. This all began in 1955 when the New York Board of Regents ap proved an inclusive prayer to be used in the public school system. The prayer was â€Å"Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependency on Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country.† Engel v. Vitale made it unlawful for the public recitation of the Regents’ Prayer in public schools. In the year following, the Supreme Court ruled in the case of Abington School District v. Schempp that the corporate reading of the Bible and recitation of the Lord’s Prayer was unlawful in public schools.Show MoreRelatedThe American Public School System1712 Words   |  7 PagesIf American schools want meet the needs of the twenty-first century, they must be reinvented. It is not enough to fix the schools; they must be rebuilt in both fundamental and radical ways. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The American Dream Is Sublime Motivation - 1426 Words

â€Å"You can have anything you want, if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose† said one of America’s founding father’s, Abraham Lincoln. America, the land of the free, the home of the brave. A country where it doesn’t matter what color of skin a person has, how tall or short they are, or what family they came from; but what does matter is values, and the amount of courage people have. The opportunities in America are endless, and for that reason, people in other countries would do anything to live the American Dream .People will journey far and wide, traverse the entire continent, suffer all manner of pain and suffering, if they†¦show more content†¦Langston Hughes uses a unique style, language, and diction to portray his point about dreams. â€Å"Does it dry up, like a raisin in the sun?†(2-3) This symbolizes a hardening, from a grape to a raisin. If a dream is destroyed it hardens the heart. It becomes useless just the like the dried up raisin. Hughes also suggests that maybe unrealized dreams are a heavy load which symbolizes a burden, something to heavy to bear, something that weighs a perso n down always. This poem is like the American Dream, if you do not pursue your dream right away it may slip away from you and eventually it will be gone. The American Dream can be fulfilled through hard word work and passion, it will not come easy. Everyone has the opportunity to grasp the chance to become successful through dreams and goals. Langston Hughes realized the importance of dreams and having those dreams torn apart. His poem, Dream Deferred, uses strong images to create a picture of a negative and destructive outcome for a dreamer left unable to dream. â€Å"Nothing can stop a man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude†, Thomas Jefferson. â€Å"So this is where all the dreaming takes me, to a cold, empty reality†, this is the opening line of the poem â€Å"The Dream of Reality†, by Ivy S., Loganville. Most dreams are meant to be dreams for a reason, but noShow MoreRelate dThe Effects Of Climate Change On The Earth Essay2145 Words   |  9 Pagesbeen awestruck at the vastness of the Blue Ridge mountains and entranced by the moon’s gentle glow permeating a midnight canopy. Although I treasure these sublime experiences, they do not motivate me to advocate for a sustainable society. 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ÃŽËœThe paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences-Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1992. To George Blin, Profesor at the Collà ¨ge de France, whithout whom none of these pages would have been started. CONTENTS A Note onRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 Pagesservice purchase, he or she tells six other potential buyers. In contrast, a dissatisfied consumer informs 25 other potential buyers. That is the leverage of quality in shaping consumer sentiment, which is vital in powering the two-thirds of the American economy that is consumer-driven. Therefore, as companies again go back to the business basics, this is a reminder of the most fundamental of those basics: Company managers need to recognize that a business’s income comes from its customers, not from

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Histopathological and Histochemical Techniques

Question: Discuss about the Report for Histopathological and Histochemical Techniques. Answer: Introduction: The aim of this exercise is to demonstrate the dissection and preparation of tissue sections that were taken from a rat for histopathological analysis. Furthermore, difficulties and issues occurred during the conduct of the experiment are discussed. Additionally, histological features of the rat tissue by using Haematoxylin and Eosin (HE) and different special stains are also discussed (1-2). Initially, specific organs from the rat were ordered to be dissected. These organs include liver, kidney, lung, trachea, duodenum and femur. In order to obtain these organs from the rat, the rat was dissected followed by cutting of specific organs into an appropriate size and placed in cassette and finally fixed with a fixative agent like 10% normal buffered formalin. The fixation process was crucial because it prevented the tissue from autolysis, putrefaction, osmotic swelling, shrinkage and loss of cellular component (2-4). Tissue processing was performed by the pathology technician and Leica ASP200s tissue processor was used for tissue processing. Another key point to mention here is that, unlike other tissues, femur tissue required decalcification prior tissue processing. The next step was embedding which plays a critical role in improving the stability of tissue for long time and supporting the tissue section. The tissues were placed centrally and correctly orientated in mould followed by adding paraffin wax and then were placed in cold bench for solidification (1, 5). Furthermore, sectioning of tissues was performed by setting the solidified block in the microtome. Trimming was done at 10 m till the full-face of the tissue was exposed and followed by cut at 4 m to get ribbons. There are many aspects that should be considered to get a good quality sections like cooling the block, use of sharp blade and optmum water-bath temperature. After the complete drying up of the slides, the staining step took place. Progressive Haematoxylin and Eosin (HE) was used to demonstrate the details at nuclear level and cytoplasmic features of the tissues. Next step was to perform staining with different special stains. Hall, Perls and Congo red stains were used to demonstrate bilirubin, haemosiderin andamyloid, respectively in liver tissue. Periodic Acid Schiffs (PAS) along with Diastase Digestion were used to demonstrate carbohydrates like glycogen in kidney. Alcian Blue Acid Schiffs stain (AB-PAS) was also used to demonstrate and differentiate different types of ac id mucin in duodenum. Moreover, to evaluate fibrosis of esophagus and trachea, Massons Trichrome (MT) was used. Finally, Verhoeffs Elastic stain (VVG) and Gomoris Aldehyde Fuchsin stain (GAF) were used to demonstrate elastic fibres (6-8). Discussion: Liver: The liver was bathed with blood which made some difficulties in removing it. After that it was cut into 10% normal buffered formalin. Afterward, it was cut into small pieces of around 8*7 mm and placed in a cassette. Tissue processing was performed by pathology technician. There was no issue in embedding step. However, there was difficulty during sectioning procedure which involves dissolving and also, possibility of breakdown of the tissue when it was placed in the water-bath. A couple of techniques were used to resolve this issue like cooling the block and changing the blade, however all these efforts failed. Even Janine tried one time but it was the same result which is dissolving of the tissue in water-bath. Eventually, Janine said this issue might be caused by bad tissue processing. Although the tissue was damaged, five slides were prepared as requested. Progressive HE method was used to demonstrate the features of the tissue, which reports initial diagnosis. However, as a resul t of bad processing and damaged tissue, it was difficult to recognise the livers architectures in the HE slide. Moreover, three special stains were requested to be performed. Congo red for amyloid, Perls for haemosiderin and Halls for bilirubin was used. Five slides were performed, two for Perls, two for Halls and one for Congo red. Perls stained positively in the control slide by illustrating the haemosiderin with dark blue colour but there was no sign of haemosiderin in the rat liver. The control slide of Halls stain illustrated the bilirubin with olive green colour but the test slide was negative for bilirubin. There was only one slide for Congo red which was control slide and it demonstrated the amyloid with red in colour. However, the tested slides should be repeated because the tissue was damaged and most of the livers structure was disappeared (5-9). Kidney: Dissection of the kidney was simple because it is not attached to any other organ. Since, the kidney was cut in half, there was no issue in the embedding step. The cut side of the kidney was placed at the bottom of a cassette. However, sectioning kidney tissue was challenging because there was a problem in tissue processing as Janine explained in the class. Although there was poor processing and improper sectioning of kidney tissue, progressive HE method was used to demonstrate the histological features of kidney. In HE slides numerous glomeruli were observed in the cortex and the bowmens capsule of glomerulus. It also showed the inner and outer medulla, distal tubules and collecting tubules. Moreover, two control slides of kidney tissue were given to perform Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) and (PAS-Diastase) stains. PAS stain demonstrated different types of carbohydrates such as glycogen and natural mucin in the tissue. However, it was difficult to distinguish glycogen from PAS positive mucins; therefore, PASD was used to remove the glycogen. PASD slide were treated with fresh human saliva, which performed function of diastase agent. The results demonstrated that the glycogen was present in PAS slide with magenta colour whereas no magenta colour was present in PASD slide. Rat kidney stained positively by exhibiting the magenta colour in glomeruli and tubules. It also showed thickness of the basement membrane of the glomeruli (6-10). Lung: The dissection of the lung was challenging because it is located under the rib cage of the rat. Thus, a scissor was used to facilitate removal of the lung. There were no issues in the embedding step. The sectioning step was difficult and that was due to inadequate processing. However, sectioning of the lung was easy as compared to the liver and the kidney sectioning. Progressive HE method was used to demonstrate histological features of lung and to report initially diagnosis of the lung tissue. Although there was poor processing for lung, the lungs features were demonstrated such asbronchioles, alveolar alveolar ducts in the HE stained slides (6-10). Duodenum: Detaching the duodenum was difficult because it was hardly visible, as it was bathed with blood. Two sections were cut for duodenum, long section from the edge and small section from the middle, as requested from the administrators. There were some difficulties in embedding the small section due to its small size, but it was managed by using two forceps. The sectioning step went well and smoothly as a result it gave neat and clean ribbons. Progressive HE method was used for staining, which demonstrated different structure of the duodenum. Structures observed in the duodenum were mucosa, submucosa, goblet cell and smooth muscle. In addition, Alcian Blue/PAS stain was performed in two slides like control slide and duodenum slide and it demonstrated presence of mucin. Both slides demonstrated neutral mucin which was represented with magenta colour while acid mucin was negative (6-11). Oesophagus Trachea: There were some difficulties in detaching oesophagus trachea because these tissues were located under the rib cage of the rat. Embedding step was challenging due to the small size of one of the sections obtained from these tissues. So two forceps were used to fix the tissue while embedding. Eventually, it embedded in a right position. As a result, sectioning by the microtome went very well and easy which gave nice ribbons. Like other tissues progressive HE method was used for oesophagus trachea staining. In HE slide, different structures were demonstrated like mucosa and submucosa layers of the trachea, also thyroid glands were seen. However, it was difficult to see the folds of the oesophagus. Furthermore, Massons Trichrome was used to demonstrate fibrosis that was present in these tissues. The control slide showed collagen and it was differentiated with muscle collagen. The tested tissues showed presence of normal level of collagen which reflects these tissues were normal (5-9). Bone (femur): One of the hardest organs to detach was bone, so scalpel was used to cut the femur from the leg. In addition, it should be free of any attached muscle, so it was removed by scalpel. Not like any other tissues, femurs had important step in tissue processing which was decalcification. The next step was embedding which was easy because the hardness of femur and it helped in fixing the tissue at the time of embedding. There were no issues in sectioning and as result clean ribbons were obtained. Progressive HE method was used to stain different features of the femur. It demonstrated collagen fibres, bone marrow cartilage (5-9; 13). Conclusion: The purpose of the current study was to demonstrate the method of dissection, tissue processing, preparation and staining of slides for histological observations of collected tissues. In order to obtain a high quality sections, all precautions were taken at each step right from the dissection until the mounting of tissues. In addition, this exercise taught the importance of tissue processing because it could affect the section quality. Moreover, it explained the correlation between HE and special stains in microscopic examination. Finally, it was understood that accurate diagnosis of histological sections could be obtained from accurate histological preparations. 1-Write up a processing schedule for an urgent endoscopic biopsy eg. Duodenum? Solution Time Required Vacuum Temperature (C) Formalin (10%) 10 Minutes Yes 38C Formalin (10%) 10 Minutes Yes 38C Alcohol (70%) 10 Minutes Yes 38C Alcohol (95%) 10 Minutes Yes 38C Alcohol (95%) 10 Minutes Yes 38C Absolute Alcohol 10 Minutes Yes 38C Absolute Alcohol 10 Minutes Yes 38C Xylene 10 Minutes Yes 38C Xylene 10 Minutes Yes 38C Paraffin Wax 10 Minutes Yes 38C Paraffin Wax 10 Minutes Yes 58C (1, 2) 2- Please list the different types of fixation available? There are two methods available for fixation, physical and chemical methods. Physical fixation method include: Heating (rarely used). Micro-waving (widely used) Cryo-preservation (that for freeze drying). Chemical fixation method include: Mercuric chloride. Osmium tetroxide. Picric acid. Alcohol both (Ethanol and Methanal). Acetic acid.(4, 12) 3-What are the other clearing agents that could have been used for processing your specimens? Briefly discuss their advantages and disadvantages? Clearing agents Advantage Disadvantage Xylene Commonly used because of it is less harmful nature. It is harsh and may cause solidification and brittleness to the tissue. Chloroform Not as harsh as xylene. Not harmful to the tissue, used in the experiment. Slower than xylene. It may cause health problems for the technician. Limonene-derivatives Unlike xylene, limonene derivatives have low toxicity levels. It has a pungent odor. Cedar wood oil It is characterized by gradual action and lacks significant effect on hardening of tissues. Expensive. Slow. (1-2; 10) 4-What precautions should be taken when setting and loading a tissue processor? Make sure that all reagents are clean. Adjustment of the processor depends on type of tissue because bone tissues needs decalcification prior processing. Well trained staff should run the machine. Safety precautions should be followed (1, 10) 5-What effects can prolonged decalcification have on tissues? Prolonged decalcification causes tissue damage. Moreover, it may spoil the staining of basophilic structure like cell nuclei and causes weakness of the softer tissue elements, especially when strong acid decalcifying agent is used. In addition, it destroys the calcium that is present in the bone and eliminate the morphology of the cell (1-2; 13). 6- What methods other than a chemical test for calcium ions, are available for determining the end point of decalcification? Comment on their reliability. Radiography: sensitive method but it may lead to tissue damage due to X-ray exposure. Calcium oxalate. Physical method: but it may lead to tissue artefact if the tissue squeezed hardly (1-2; 13). 7-When embedding tissues, what should be avoided in order to ensure that quality is achieved? Paraffin wax and the cold plate must be in a right temperature. Choosing an appropriate size of moulds is critical in order to achieve high quality sections. Clean forceps should be used. Tissue should be well orientated (1, 10). References: F. A. Culling. Handbook of Histopathological and Histochemical Techniques. 3rd ed. Butterworth-Heinemann; 2013. Suvarna, SK, Layton C, Bancroft JD. Bancroft's Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2013. Greaves P. Histopathology of Preclinical Toxicity Studies: Interpretation and Relevance in Drug Safety Evaluation. 4th Academic Press: Elsevier; 2012. Werner M, Chott A, Fabiano A, Battifora H. Effect of formalin tissue fixation and processing on immunohistochemistry. Am J Surg Pathol. 2000 Jul; 24(7):1016-9. Comanescu M, Annaratone L, D'Armento G, Cardos G, Sapino A, Bussolati G. Critical Steps in Tissue Processing in Histopathology. Recent Patents on DNA Gene Sequences. 2012 Apr; 6(1): 22-32. Parker GA, Picut CA. (2016). Atlas of Histology of the Juvenile Rat. Academic Press: Elsevier; Gopinath C, Vasanthi M. Atlas of Toxicological Pathology. Springer; 2014. Roberts N, Magee D, Song Y, Brabazon K, Shires M, Crellin D, Orsi NM, Quirke R, Quirke P, Treanor D. Toward routine use of 3D histopathology as a research tool. Am J Pathol. 2012 May;180(5):1835-42. Ruehl-Fehlert C, Kittel B, Morawietz G, Deslex P, Keenan C, et al., Revised guides for organ sampling and trimming in rats and mice Part 1. Exp Toxic Pathol. 2003; 55: 91106. Hayes AW. Principles and Methods of Toxicology. 5th CRC Press; 2007. Orchard G, Nation B. Histopathology. Oxford University Press; 2011. Moelans CB, ter Hoeve N, van Ginkel JW, ten Kate FJ, van Diest PJ. Formaldehyde substitute fixatives. Analysis of macroscopy, morphologic analysis, and immunohistochemical analysis. Am J Clin Pathol. 2011 Oct; 136(4):548-56. Callis G, Sterchi D. Decalcification of Bone: Literature Review and Practical Study of Various Decalcifying Agents. Methods, and Their Effects on Bone Histology. 1998; 21(1): 49-58.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Winning the Lottery free essay sample

Winning the lottery is the ultimate dream in everyones life. It is an easy game and requires very less amount of money to play, but the chances of winning are a one in a million. In everyones mind, spending their last dollar bill on a ticket and pick out random numbers may turn their life around in a positive and joyful way. In fact, winning the lottery could bring someones life more than just joy, it could turn their life into a living nightmares. Despite the risks on winning the lottery, more and more people are drawn to the idea of winning a fortune amount of money by playing guessed numbers and spending less money. Throughout the years, study shows that more and more lottery winners have had experienced the nightmares of winning the lottery ticket, this includes life at risk, depression, and death. Life at risk is known to be the most common effect on lottery winners. We will write a custom essay sample on Winning the Lottery or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Lottery winners are more expose to danger because of the lack of experience, carelessness, security and privacy. One winner for example, 45 years old name Jack Whittaker, who won a power ball lottery ticket worth of $314. 9 million dollars in West Virginia in December 2002. Shorty after winning, rubbers constantly breaks in into his properties and stole whatever they desire, he later start hiring local police of duty to guard his house and being his body guard. Lottery winners are not only exposing to the outside dangers from strangers, but also the danger from within the family. William Bud Post III, for example, he won $16. 2 million dollars in 1988. In 1993, five years after winner, his brother was convicted of hiring a hit man to kill him and his wise. In 2007, in Daytona, Ohio a wife who was sent to prison after trying to kill her husband when discovered he had won a $3. 5 million in lottery ticket. Although winning the lottery might be a risk to someones life, it is a chance of a life time that everyone cant seems to pass. Second common effect of lottery winners is fear and anxiety. . cover up the fact that winning a million dollars lottery could also comes with nightmares. The idea of winning a million dollars lottery could change your life, Study shows that winning the lottery could bring more than joy in someones life. In fact, it could turn someones life in to a nightmares. For example; life at risk, depression, sudden illness, and death. Jeff Dampier who won $20 million in the Illinois Lottery in 1986, was kidnapped and killed by his sister in law