
Friday, February 15, 2019

Creative Play: A Royal Life :: essays research papers

inventive Play A Royal LifeLAUREN Good after noon, I am lady Lauren and this is Lady Jadie.     JADIE Ello     LAUREN We argon ladies of the royal court of beef-a-lot, and we doanything we like with our time. Being pampered royalty is so much fun. And we accept our convey king Edward to take distribute of the political matters, so we can put across our lives in bliss.     JADIE I person totallyy enjoy painting, horseback riding and produceing, particularly languages. This whole "rebirth" movement is in truth intriguing. It allstarted back to the highest degree 1500 or so, with people, for one reason or another beginningto learn and care about what happened to them. They realized that theycontrolled their own destiny.     LAUREN I feel the same, with all the new inventions, it possible tolearn at an amazing rate. Moveable typewrite printing presses, Indoor chamber pots,new dyes to make every thing around very pretty. This is a very enjoyable timefor me.     JADIE Yes, Yes, how true. Especially the pretty things. Our dressesare brightly colored and extremely detailed, as that was the movement in shapeof our time. These things are very expensive and only royalty such as ourselvescan afford such a luxury.     LAUREN Say, do you know whats for dinner tonight?     JADIE Silly girl Its what we have every night in the castle Ingvey,Everything A feast of huge proportions. Bread, cheese, meat, fish, vegetablesall made irreverent by the peasants this morning. Yes, what a glorious time to live.     LAUREN And you people (looking at the class) would you care to join usin our feast?     THE PEASANTS LIFEBEEF This is what almost of the people in the renaissance lived like,poor in spirit and in health. I am a day laborer, as is my friend Sonic. We on the alert at dawn and work in th e fields till dusk. We go on home to our wivesand many children. Tonight is a special night for me, as I get to dine on meat,which is rare in my look but then again so is bathing. (smile) Typically weeat vegetables which our wives have grown in the meager gardens behind ourhouses. My personal favorite is carrots, I like carrots. (smile again) Whatabout you?SONIC Broccoli.BEEF We are dressed in large, slapdash pants, made out of cotton. Ourshirts are of linen, and are large affluent to keep us warm during those coldwinter nights. The large baggy pants serve the same purpose, to keep us warm.We dont have seemly money to buy the brightly colored clothes that our Queen,Lady Lauren has.

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