
Thursday, February 21, 2019

Person-Centred and Systems Theory Approach Case Study Based Essay

Case Study Ramesh is 45 year centenarian Sri Lankan man who works as a telephone call spunk progressnt. He was close to and resistd with his m some other, who died 18 months ago. Ramesh was recently hospitalised after a self-annihilation attempt. He had been taking anti-depressants for s everal months before he took an oerdose. According to his sister, he had become depressed and was drinking and smoking a lot, and hardly ever eating. He had been taking while off work, and was at risk of losing his military control with BT.His sister says that Ramesh went downhill after the death of their mother, plainly that she was surprised at this as he always complained ab push through all the things he had to do for her when she was alive. The sister has a family of her own, but says that she has tried to involve Ramesh in her family, but he had mostly refuse. He had some friends who he used to playfulness cricket with, but he has stopped seeing them. He had been maxim that theres n onhing to live for, and he wanted to be left alone. Ramesh is due to be released from hospital in two weeks time.IntroductionThe break up of this essay is to critically analyse the Task-centred and lymph gland-centred approaches to Social Work Intervention. I allow for signly explain their main principles, advantages and disadvantages and apply them to the assessment, planning and discussion of the higher up field study. Particular attention leave behind be paid to how these perspectives express the application of anti-oppressive practice (AOP). The word perspective describes a partial erectdidate of the world (Payne 1997290) and is often used to attempt to high society and make virtuoso of experiences and events from a particular and partial viewpoint.The reason for choosing these two theories is because they underside be used simultaneously. One of the major attributes of the Person Centred approach is the emphasis on relationship earning among the Social worker and the run user, which and so makes it easier to set(p) out the tasks that consider to be carried out because lines of communication turn in been opened up Task- centred Approach The task-centred model is a short-term, twainer-solving approach to accessible work practice. It is a major approach in clinical loving work perhapsbecause unlike other several practice models, it was develop for and within Social Work (Stepney and Ford, 2000).My reasoning behind adopting this approach is because it is essentially a move in and practical model that can be alter for use in a wide range of spaces. It is designed to withstander in the re antecedent of difficulties that mountain experience in interacting with their brotherly situations, where ind advantageouslying feelings of discomfort argon associated with events in the external world. One of the many benefits of plotted short-term work is that both the Social doer and Client set up immediate energy into the work beca use the time is limited.The dangers of the effectiveness of the intervention macrocosm reliant on the Social worker/Client relationship, which whitethorn or whitethorn non work out, be minimised in the short-term. The model consists of cinque stages. human body one This is the line exploration phase and is characterised by joint clarity. Problems be posed as an unmet or unsatisfied wants perceived by the leaf node (Reid, 1978). The client should be as clear as the well-disposed worker about the demonstratees that pass on be followed in order to amply participate fully in the work.Involving the inspection and repair user right from the initial phase has the advantage that they feel empowered and is a good pattern of anti-oppressive practice. Less commonly the worker may take the lead in identifying the problems but however must be cargonful not to trim back from the clients unique expertise in the actualizeing of their own individual situation. This phase normally takes from one to two interviews although some cases may require more. It ends with linguistic context up of initial tasks. In Rameshs case the Social Worker provide be using the following sequential Steps.Identifying with Ramesh the reasons for the intervention in the first place. Explain to Ramesh how great the process depart take (roughly between 4- 6 weeks). The social worker has to assess Rameshs ability to understand his problems and their extent especially taking into consideration that he has issues with alcoholic drink and hooked on anti-depressant drugs. Establish whether Ramesh acknowledges he has a problem and is willing to do something about it. The process of problem exploration will entail the reply of a series of questions How did his problems begin? What happens typically when Ramesh drinks a lot of alcohol?How often this happening iand what quantities of alcohol is he going through per daytime/week? What driving forces (if any) he himself has put into re solving his problems? Phase two This is when the selecting and prioritising of the problems occur. This has to be what both the Social Worker and Ramesh acknowledge as the Target problem and explicitly agree will become the focus of their work together. commonly there will be a series of problems identified and will be ranked in order of their importance (Stepney and Ford, 2000). There ar basically three routes for problem identification.The most common is through client initiation. Clients express complaints which are then explored. A second route is interactive. Problems place through a dialogue between the practitioner and client in which neither is a clear initiator. In the third route to problem identification the practitioner is clearly the initiator. So for example, using the culture in case study, the problems could be listed as Dependence on alcohol uppity smoking Isolation Phase three Following the identification and be of target problems stage, the first problem to be identified will need to be framed within a problem statement.The clients espousal of the final problem statement leads to a contract that will transcend subsequent work. Both practitioner and client agree to work toward solution of the problem(s) as formulated. The way the problems are framed and defined are decisive in motivating both the Social Worker and the service user. The ultimate goal is to avoid the service user from feeling over-whelmed or that the goals set are unachievable. Therefore they have to be set in a realistic manner which too reflect the concerns and wishes of the service user, again this re-enforces anti-oppressive practice issues.They should be clear and unambiguous and which lend themselves, as far as possible, to some sort of measurement so that the Social Worker and service user can tell what progress is beingness made. So for face if it is agreed that Rameshs dependence on alcohol is the priority, the Social Worker can suggest and also help him jo in an Alcohol project group. Agree on the account of meetings hell attend. Not only will the support group help him tackle the alcohol issues but will also give him the opportunity to be around other people and interact with them.Gradually this should help eliminate the isolation issues which are major facilitator of depression. recite shows that the more support and services the person has, the more stable their environment. The more stable their environment, the better the chances of dealing with their substance problems (Azrin 1976, Costello 1980, Dobkin et al 2002, Powell et al 1998). An heavy secondary purpose of the model is to bring about contextual veer as a means of preventing recurrence of problems and of strengthening the functioning of the client system.One of the issues Ramesh is dealing with is depression which fit in to his sister was triggered by his mothers death. With his approval, it power be useful for Ramesh to be referred for bereavement counselling in or der to come to terms with losing his mother. Other outstanding things that need to be considered during this phase are ways of establishing incentives and motivation for task performance. The task may not itself satisfy Rameshs wants but at least he must see it as a measure in that direction. Phase four This is the stage where implementation of tasks between sessions occurs.There is not a prominent deal to say about this self-evident phase, however, that is not to say it is not an beta phase. Its success will depend on all the infrastructure undertaken in the previous phases of the process. Task implementation addresses the methods for achieving the task(s), which should be negotiated with the service user, and according to Ford and Postle, (200055) should be designed to enhance the problem solving skills of participants it is important that tasks undertaken by clients involve elements of decision making and self-direction if the work goes well then they will progressively exerc ise more control over the implementation of tasks, ultimately enhancing their ability to resolve problems independently.According to Doel (2002195) tasks should be guardedly negotiated steps from the present problem to the prospective goal. Once tasks are set, it is important to review the problems as the intervention progresses in order to reassess that the tasks are still relevant to achieving the goals. Cree and Myers (200895) suggest that as circumstances can change, situations may be superseded by new problems.The workers role should be primarily to support the user in order to achieve their tasks and goals which may include providing information and resources, education and role-playing in order to handle difficult situations. In this case Ramesh will go ahead and continue attending his alcohol point support group and the Social Worker can work on arranging bereavement counselling for him and liaise with him about when he feels restore to start. Phase five- Termination Se ssion Termination in the task-centred model begins in the first session, when client and practitioner set time limits for the intervention.Throughout the treatment process the practitioners regularly reminds the client of the time limits and the number of sessions left additional progress. If an computer address is made, practitioner and client contract on a small number of additional sessions, usually no more than four interviews. It should also be noted that such extensions occur in less than one one-fifth of the cases in most settings. Any accomplishments made by the client are particularly stressed in the termination session. This emphasizing of the clients accomplishment serves as a reinforcer.In another final termination session activity, the practitioner assists the clients in identifying the problem-solving skills they have acquired during the treatment process, review what has not been done and why not. An effort is made to help clients generalize these problem-solving sk ills, so they can apply them to future problems they may encounter. Person Centred Approach The key emerging principles of the person centred approaches are that individuals must rely on themselves and liable for their own actions (Howe D, 2009).The Person-Centred Approach developed from the work of the psychologist Dr Carl Rogers (1902 1987). He advanced an approach to psychotherapy and counselling that, at the time (1940s 1960s), was considered extremely radical if not revolutionary (BAPCA). In order for people to realise their full potential they must learn to define themselves sooner than allowing others to do it for them. the An important part of this theory is that in a particular psychological environment, the fulfilment of personal potentials includes sociability, the need to be with other human beings and a desire to know and be known by other people.It also includes being open to experience, being trusting and trustworthy, being curious about the world, being creative an d compassionate. This is one of the most normal approaches among practitioners (Marsh and Triseliotis 1996 52) because of its hopefulness, accessibility and flexibility. The psychological environment described by Rogers was one where a person felt free from threat, both physically and psychologically. This environment could be achieved when being in a relationship with a person who was darkly understanding (empathic), accepting (having unconditional positive regard) and genuine (Trevthick,P, 2005).The approach does not use techniques but relies on the personal qualities of the therapist/person to build a non-judgemental and empathic relationship. This in itself could be an issue because of the sole credence on the Social ability to engage with service users. However, there are disadvantages to this approach. For example, treating people with respect, motleyness, warmth and dignity can be misconstrued as adopting a person centred approach. This means the counselling part of the r elationship has a risk of being completely over-looked.The goal would be to work on a one-to-one with Ramesh mainly using counselling skills. He has a sister who has a family of her own so therefore family work can be included as a possibility. If he is willing to perhaps go and temporarily live with his sister when he is discharged from hospital in two weeks, it will be a positive step for him to spend more time in a family setting rather than by himself. That way he might not feel so isolated and depressed. This will also help build his self-confidence and self-esteem.The insufficiency of motivation that Ramesh has for going to work needs to be further explored. It could be he is feeling unfulfilled and that at 45 years of age he has not achieved much. He needs social work intervention which is geared towards him attaining human potential (Maslows basic theory). The Social Worker should encourage him to come up with ways in which he can work towards that and also look at areas in his life where he can make his own choices with an aim to recognise elements in his situation that constrain these and seek to remove them.For example, if he is not turning up for work because he is unsatisfied with his job perhaps he could grave for a vocational course in an industry he enjoys which will improve his job prospects. The fact that he says he has nothing to live for means he has no feeling of self-worth and hasnt reached the stage of self-actualisation in his life, this is something he is going to need support in figuring it out for himself because it is relative..ConclusionIt is evident that both the task-centred and person centred approaches are popular and generally fortunate models of social work practice and can both be used in a variety of situations. Both approaches are based on the establishment of a relationship between the worker and the service user and can address significant social, emotional and practical difficulties (Coulshed & Orme, 2006).They are bo th structured interventions, so action is planned and fits a predetermined pattern. They also use specific contracts between worker and service user and both aim to improve the individuals capacity to deal with their problems in a clear and more focused approach than other long term non guiding methods of practice (Payne 2002,). Both of these approaches have a place in social work practice through promoting empowerment of the service user and clear their worth.They do provide important frameworks which social workers can utilise in order to implement best practice However, there are authoritative limitations to both of the approaches, for example Further to the constraints of short term interventions Reid and Epstein (1972) suggest that these approaches may not allow sufficient time to attend to all the problems that the service user may want help with and that clients whose achievement was either borderline or partial thought that further help of some kind may be of use in accom plishing their goals.The problems Ramesh is facing are deep rooted psychological problems which may require a longer time frame to sort them out. Depression can take really long to deal with and 4-6 weeks may not be sufficient and the fear is that this might actually have an adverse effect on Ramesh if he does not see any progress within the agreed time frame.

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