
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Underground Railroad :: Slavery

The Underground railway line is famous for the things it has done, but most state dont take care or fully know what it was really about. First of all, it has nothing to do with an cloak-and-dagger train or railroad as it may seem. The frontier Underground Railroad actually has different stories for its inception. One of these stories was of Tice Davis, a laugher slave in 1831. While running away from his owner he dove into a creek and was out of the owners sight. His owner said he must suck in gone off on an underground railroad. (http//www.whispersofangels.com/opposing.html) Although extremely unbelievable, it can be found quite amusing. The logical explanation, though, is that the word underground is a term for secretive, while railroad represents the working together of sight like train cars to ship the slaves. The main reason for the Underground Railroad was the effort to abolish slavery. None of the other efforts were contributing as much, and it was in spades our count rys first major anti-slavery movement.America had hit its peak in the brain of slavery. We were thriving off of colour laborers and our population continued to grow with contributions from the three-sided trade. The triangular trade route was a trade route amidst the British West Indies, Europe, Africa and America. (http//members.tripod.com/lylesj/trade/tritrade.html) The net profit slaves had brought in was tremendous contrasted to the profit of hired work. It became a major bonus to land and plantation owners. The black slaves were also great workers because of their ethnic backgrounds. They had great work ethics, dark tegument to work in heat, and were much stronger than the hired men. Slaves longed to be free for to a greater extent than one reason. Some just would love to be able to go where they want and say what they want without persecution. Who wouldnt want to be able to have this? Other slaves ran from owners out of fear. They wanted to keep their families together an d not be sold away from them. There were also slaves that were treated very poorly. In fact, they were treated so poorly that if the didnt run they might not sleep with much longer. Slaves have wanted to escape their slavery as furthermost back as the first colonies had begun. The only truly free people were the whites, and blacks wanted to end that situation for good. The northern states/colonies had a more industrial area and immigrants easily took the jobs that were available.

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